NVivo 12 for MAC (Deborah Rowe) - 7 videos (~ 40min) on some of the important tasksġ. 4 min of fast-paced text-bubble video on basic tasks on v12 for Mac. If the accent makes these difficult, try the 1.5 hr NVivo Essentials Course from Linked-In Learning (Free through Mason). Watch other videos as they are relevant to your project or interesting to you Getting Started with NVivo 12 (Hull Uni Library) - Recommended 1hr playlist: #2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18. 4 min of fast-paced text-bubble video on basic tasks on v12 for Windows. Then watch the 15 min Explore video (Windows) ^. Fast-Paced with Text Bubbles (no audio) - About 20 min total of videos across 3 pages: Import, Organize, and Explore Data. Slower w/ Audio Narration ( Main Page): Import (16min), Organize (30 min), Explore (15 min). Fast-Paced with Text Bubbles (no audio) - About 20 min total across 3 pages: Import, Organize, and Explore Data.
Be sure to try each of the following in a variety of spots:Left Click, Right Click, Double Click, and Pause your mouse.
When exploring the interface, keep in mind that many functions are context-sensitive (buttons are only available or active when specific screens are open. All video and text tutorials use the "Multi-Method" or "Environmental Change Down East" project, so you should be able to follow along. It will come with one (or more) sample projects that you can open and explore. #NVIVO STUDENT PRICE TRIAL#
There is a 14-day free trial of NVivo. Available for students at a cheaper per-year price (1 yr for ~$100 vs 2yrs for ~$100 + OnTheHub Discounts). NVivo 1.5 - Newer more user-friendly and intuitive. NVivo's capabilities and price also depend on whether you ae using a Mac vs Windows computer. If you are collaborating with others, always use the same version.
At the moment, you need to choose between using NVivo 1.0 and NVivo 12.