In March 2010, the Canadian Army donated two disarmed Cougar AVGPs to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in British Columbia for use by the Emergency Response Team. In May 2007, the Edmonton Police Service accepted the donation of a disarmed Grizzly from the Canadian Army. However, the project was cancelled in 2005, and the vehicles retired. Under the Wheeled LAV Life Extension project, the Canadian Forces planned to convert Grizzly and Husky vehicles to support variants, such as Command Post and Mobile Repair Team Vehicle. The majority of vehicles had their marine propulsion systems removed. The Grizzly was used as an armoured personnel carrier in regular force infantry battalions not equipped with the M113 APC, and also by reserve units. The squadrons equipped with the Cougar in those regiments were humorously referred to as the "boat squadron" as opposed to the reconnaissance squadrons, which were equipped with the Lynx, and later the Coyote (another AVGP successor). During the 1980s and 1990s, it was used by armoured units as a fire support vehicle, for those units not equipped with the Leopard tank. The Cougar was used for training in Canada as an armoured fighting vehicle and informally labelled a "tank trainer". One Grizzly was captured by Serb forces in the late 1990s, despite it being present on a peace keeping mission. Intended for use only in Canada, they were pressed into service for several United Nations missions, including UNPROFOR and the mission to Somalia. The AVGP variants were introduced into Canadian service in the late 1970s. The Canadian Army's LAV III, the United States Marine Corps' LAV-25, and the US Army's Stryker are other variants of the LAV family and directly evolved from the Canadian designs. The AVGP had propellers and trim vanes for amphibious use, like the eight-wheeled Bison, which was the vehicle family's immediate successor. However, a number of the retired vehicles were transferred to other militaries and police forces, where they continue to serve. The Canadian Army retired all AVGP variants beginning in 2005. The AVGP variants were the Cougar armoured fighting vehicle, the Grizzly Armoured Personnel Carrier, and the Husky Armoured Recovery Vehicle which were all based on the six-wheeled version of the Swiss MOWAG Piranha I. The Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (AVGP) project led to the procurement of the first generation of the Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV I) vehicle and predominantly consisted of three variants ordered by the Canadian military in the 1970s entering service in 1974. Cougar: 7.62 mm machine gun (C6) and 66 mm smoke grenade launchers No 12 (2 clusters of 4 launchers) Ģ75 hp Detroit Diesel 6V53T two-cycle turbo-charged diesel